


铅笔的图标作者:Kelli M. Warshefski


Vineyard owner combines family heritage and tradition with entrepreneurial dreams



来自特拉弗斯城的麦肯齐·哈特曼·加拉格尔 中科院 ’05, loves the views, the people and the community of the lakeside city she calls home. 深深扎根于该地区, she and her husband are raising their four children here and have started a business, 罗夫庄园酒庄在加拉格尔家族的农场. 多年来, 她与特拉弗斯城建立了牢固的联系, 创建了一个基金会,帮助她开辟了一条追求梦想的道路.


每天早晨,当我第一次走出罗夫眺望葡萄园的时候, 我感到深深的感激和满足.

Hi, 我是麦肯齐·加拉格, 我是罗夫酒庄的老板,也是十大菠菜台子的校友.

我们现在在密歇根州的特拉弗斯城. 我们在一个多代同堂的农场,占地约135英亩.

我的工作主要是和我们的团队一起在品酒室工作. 我喜欢成为喧嚣的一部分. 和人打交道是我最擅长的工作. I absolutely love all the different variations of connections that I am able to make. I really want to make their experience approachable and inclusive and kind of have something for everybody.

我对人和人的行为很着迷. 所以社会学确实帮助我把它放到了一个更好的框架中, 这在我的生活和职业生涯中一直为我服务, 特别是.

People might not think that owning a winery and having a 社会学 background would be connected, 但我相信他们绝对会互相支持.

Awareness is really powerful; understanding body language, understanding that there is verbal and nonverbal communication and to read your audience, 了解你的团队.

葡萄酒是人与人之间的终极纽带. 我的热情之一也是成为特拉弗斯城的倡导者和大使. 我真的很自豪能成为其中的一员. 感觉我们在朝着比我们更伟大的目标努力.

这是这份工作最有价值的部分, 还有自己的酒庄, is that I get to share that process and that passion from the vineyard and the farmside with my family and ultimately share our products with our customers and connect with our community.

“I feel really grateful that I live in one of the most beautiful states in the country, 我可以在我们的农场用一种非传统的方式抚养我的孩子,麦肯齐说. “To be able to extend our passion for farming to cultivating award winning wines, 真的是我能想象到的最充实的生活吗.”


从俄勒冈州立大学毕业是哈特曼一家的事. 和麦肯齐的父亲在一起, 姨妈和堂兄妹都是校友, it was a natural decision for both McKenzie and her sister to move downstate to also attend.

“I lived on campus, so I was completely submerged,麦肯齐说 of her time at 奥克兰. “这真的给了我一种社区和联系的感觉. 我很喜欢. Some of my very best friends to this day were the ones I met during my first semester freshmen year. 那是我的家.”

麦肯齐来到这所大学时,她的目标是成为一名医生. 她参加了一个医学预科课程,重点是生物和化学. 大三的时候, 虽然, 麦肯齐意识到医学界并不适合她, 她把专业转到了 社会学. 这个项目培养了她对了解他人的热爱, 她的职业目标是与他人合作并帮助他人.

“这是一段神奇的时光,”麦肯齐深情地回忆起她在公开大学的时光. “这是你生命中没有恐惧、没有保留的时期. 你和不同类型的人交谈,学习不同的东西. 我很感激我充分利用了十大菠菜台子的方方面面.”

“这让我了解了自己,”她继续说道. “And that’s an empowering feeling to determine your own schedule and your work-life balance. 我想我当时并不知道, 但那是种下我想成为的人的种子的开始. And I definitely think that throughout life, you just continue to water those seeds and perfect it.”

毕业后, 麦肯齐在州里待了好几年, 在当地银行找一份保险公司的工作. But the 2008 banking crisis forced her back to Traverse City to start a new path. 她进入达文波特大学攻读工商管理硕士学位, 在遇见她未来的丈夫后不久, 克莱顿, 也是特拉弗斯城本地人. 她不知道, this turn of events would vastly reshape the trajectory of her life as she began to forge a new path: vineyard farming.

“I never would’ve 虽然t in a million years that I would fall in love with a farmer and open a winery,麦肯齐坦白道.


加拉格尔家族在特拉弗斯城地区很有名, 其农业根源可以追溯到近140年前. They were established cherry farmers, and 克莱顿 knew and worked on his family’s orchards. 务农是他的天性.

“They're one of the first Centennial farm families,麦肯齐解释道 about her husband’s family. “我没有农业背景. 但是,我爱上了一个农民,突然他的梦想变成了我们的梦想. 这感觉很偶然.”

麦肯齐很快就被克莱顿和那里的农业生活方式迷住了, 两人相识一年后就结婚了. 他们开始分享一个梦想,希望有一天能拥有一个葡萄园, 所以麦肯齐把MBA论文的重点放在了一份开酒庄的商业计划上. The two worked together to come up with a solid foundation they hoped would one day bear fruit. In 2011, the young Gallagher couple was offered the chance to purchase a large portion of 克莱顿’s family farm: 100 acres of old cherry trees that were no longer producing. 他们抓住了这个机会,准备抓住他们的梦想.

“We were at a crossroads: should we plant more cherries because that's what we know how to do or should we follow our hearts and do something that we don't know much about, 这是葡萄,麦肯齐说. “我想我们是在冒险.”

2012年,麦肯齐和她的丈夫开始种植15英亩的葡萄, utilizing government programs through the Farm Service Agency and United States Department of Agriculture, 向年轻农民提供补助金. They poured their hearts into the land in preparation for a 2015 opening season. 然后,大自然母亲介入了.

“There was a polar vortex in Michigan in 2014 and a late spring frost in 2015,” explains McKenzie. “我们最终在2015年失去了所有的作物,从2014年开始我们就受到了损害. 所以,连续两年我们的冬天都很糟糕. 我们本来是要开张的,结果我们损失了95%的收成.”

这对夫妇把一切都押在这次开幕上了. And by this point, they were starting their own family, so the pressure was even greater. 麦肯齐和她的丈夫被这一打击摧毁了. But they didn’t stay down for long and soon found a solution to keep their opening on schedule. 而不是使用他们自己的作物, they were forced to improvise and worked with another vineyard to purchase grapes to make their style of wine. 这使它们保持开放, start establishing a clientele and give their own crop some extra time to recover after the harsh winters.

到现在为止, 罗夫庄园酒庄 was officially in business and the couple was successfully pursuing their dream. 但对麦肯齐来说,困难仍在继续. 开业一年后, she was diagnosed with cancer and endured chemotherapy while starting a new business and taking care of four young children. McKenzie persevered, 虽然, and is grateful to now be cancer-free for five years.

“我们遇到了很多困难的挑战, 不胜枚举, 但你会找到正确的道路并接受它,麦肯齐说. “If you have an open mind, you will always find a way if that’s where your passion lies. You have to pause and realize that sometimes things seem worse than they actually are. 这是你不断努力的事情. Surrounding yourself with confident people in a positive environment is how you thrive.”


罗夫庄园酒庄 is a labor of love, patience and determination for the Gallaghers. 自2011年以来, 他们开了一个品酒室, 扩大到33英亩的葡萄, 维护世代相传的樱桃园, 他们最近开始在一个小果园里生产苹果酒. 根据季节的不同,他们的员工在6到20人之间. They’re raising their kids with an appreciation for nature and strong work ethic, 让他们参与农场的日常活动.

In the wine business, every bottle, every crop, every year yields a different return. 这是麦肯齐在创建葡萄园时最先被吸引的品种. 一旦他们从第一个严冬中恢复过来, 他们能够生产自己的庄园种植的葡萄酒, “ground-to-glass.”

“我们是一家小批量酿酒厂, 所以我们只生产了5个,目前每年有000个病例, 这个数字将增加到8个左右,当所有葡萄园都满负荷生产时,麦肯齐解释道. “一切都来自我们的财产. Every vintage is going to be a little bit different because it's going to reflect on the heat that year, the rainfall and a million other variables that are going to show different nuances in the wine. 这是一模一样的葡萄藤,但每年的葡萄会有所不同.”

初露苗头的生意正在不断地成长和完善其实践, 拥抱麦肯齐和她丈夫近13年前的梦想. 虽然她在开放大学的旅程开始于一条略有不同的道路, 她相信她最终到达了命中注定的位置.

“My 社会学 degree has helped me in every aspect of owning my own business,” says McKenzie. “无论是与我们的客户还是员工互动. 我试着与人沟通,理解人, 它们从哪里来, 如何激励他们, 如何让他们参与进来, 这是一门艺术吗?. I don't know if I would’ve had those skills without learning so much about people.”

麦肯齐说:“你写自己的故事,开辟自己的道路。. “这是疯狂的15年,但我一点也不会改变.”



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