



铅笔的图标作者:Kelli M. 提图斯


The importance of exp和ing the field of STEM researchers



“选择这个领域对我有好处,Alyssa Lalko说, 十大菠菜台子 mechanical engineering major. “It means I can make an impact in multiple ways. 从某种意义上说,所有工程专业的学生都有能力用他们的技能影响世界. 但作为STEM领域的女性,我可以

Lalko是开放大学近1900名主修stem相关专业的女学生之一. 这并不奇怪. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, 科学领域的职业, 技术, engineering 和 mathematic fields are projected to increase 8.8 percent by 2028 — compared to 5 percent for non-stem-related. 但 while the occupational need is high, the U.S. female-to-male ratio in the STEM workforce is off balance.

尽管46.7 percent of those employed in sciences are women, there are only 25.6 percent that occupy employment in computer 和 mathematics 和 15.6 percent in architecture 和 engineering occupations.

为什么这很重要?? For STEM fields that are rooted in research, the need is evident: diverse theories derive from diverse perspectives.

“Science 和 技术 are essential to the foundation of innovation,” says 十大菠菜台子 President Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D. “For a university’s work to elevate future generations, it needs to be informed by a variety of experiences. 作为一名女科学家, researcher or professor doesn’t change the findings, 而是通过拓宽来增强它们

The following women are pioneers in their fields, carving a unique space in their designated areas of research. Their experiences span across generations. 尽管这些女性持有不同的观点
学位和学术荣誉, 每个人都为自己的手艺做出了独特的贡献,这将有助于推动他们的领域在学术探索和性别平等方面向前发展.

A woman placing motion detectors on another woman.


Jumping headfirst into her career, Tara Diesbourg, Ph.D.,是雄心壮志的写照. 她
卫生科学学院 — all within her first year at 奥克兰.

“我做任何事情都不会半途而废。. Diesbourg证明. “我和我的学生一起学习和成长,所以我可以不断扩大我在这个领域的知识.”

Dr. Diesbourg began her role as an assistant professor in 环境健康和安全 in 2019. Her education was predominately in kinesiology, 十年前,她在那里尝试了人体工程学,来到公开大学后又跳到职业安全领域. There was a need for ergonomic 程序s for safety professionals, 迪斯伯格找到了一个地方,可以将她在肌肉运动和工作效率方面的广泛训练结合起来.

人体工程学的研究,”博士说. Diesbourg. “At OU, I identified a relationship between two health

A testament to the fusion of her educational endeavors, Dr. 迪斯堡的研究着眼于特殊人群的身体如何在工作场所发挥作用. 她对一个人的生命周期的正常变化如何影响他们在所承担的任务中保持健康的能力非常感兴趣, 并且一旦学校的生物力学、人体工程学和运动研究(BEAR)实验室在明年建成,将有资源进一步开展这些研究.

虽然博士. 在她的学术生涯开始时,迪斯堡并没有预料到自己会在这个领域找到自己
career, she knows she is exactly 她在那里 needs to be. 她说:“如果你觉得自己想要的职业不合适,那就改变它。. “只要你愿意保持开放的心态,你能做的事情就没有限制。.”



Avanti Tatiraju, SBA ’18, has come a long way to follow her dreams. Born 和 educated with a Master of 工商管理 in India, Tatiraju是一家银行的分析师, 她在那里
她是那个部门唯一的女性吗. While she enjoyed the work, Tatiraju felt undervalued for the
高压气氛. 她 和 her husb和 eventually decided to leave India 和 seek
更多的机会在美国.S., finding her way to 奥克兰 in search of a new career path.

回忆Tatiraju. Following these interests, she pursued a 信息技术硕士学位
管理. 塔蒂拉朱在这个项目中感觉很自在,与教师们密切合作,并获得了安全感
graduate assistantships for two semester. Her first was text analytics for Ford, using a new
tool to scroll through complaints 和 look for common words. 该工具允许客户
discuss automotive safety 和 her goal was to sort through the common words. 但是确实有
a missing component: a human connection. Tatiraju found that common words, out of context,
lacked an effective means for a solution. 她 was drawn to finding this human connection in

“Working in a hospital was so much more real,” Tatiraju explains. “人的因素是
总是必要的. You need face-to-face interaction in order to gather accurate data.”

Tatiraju找到了自己的使命. 她 immersed herself in the data analysis of health care, researching
感染引起的状况. The research project served more as an internship, 和 upon
卫生系统 as an access 技术 analyst.

“能回馈社会感觉很棒,我也很自豪能改变人们的生活,Tatiraju说. “医疗保健对我来说就像家一样.”



他的家人都是工程师和教师, Alyssa Lalko, 秒20, grew up with a love 和 appreciation for all fields of study, 从数学到音乐. 但正是她对运动物理学的迷恋,坚定了她选择机械工程专业的决定. Lalko对这个学位的追求使她参加了奥克兰的工程和计算机科学日, 她发现学生和教师之间的热情和紧密的社区正是她所寻找的.

“与教师建立这种联系确实帮助我更加投入到学习中, in my research 和 in my focus for my future,拉科说.

大二的时候, 她正在攻读机械工程和能源专业的学士学位, Lalko被电气和计算机工程师应用研究经验(ApREECE)项目录取,这是开放大学为工程专业学生举办的本科生研究经验(REU)项目, she realized that “something just clicked.“直到现在, Lalko was unsure of her exact career path, 但, 多亏了REU项目, she now knows she wants to narrow her focus to a research-related career.

Currently researching drones, Lalko is uncovering how to fly them longer. “Drones are operated with batteries 和 they have very low energy density, meaning they’re very heavy for the amount of energy they can actually supply,她描述道。. “Because weight is such an important factor in drones, battery-operated drones can only last for a maximum of 30 minutes. 我们想出了最简单的方法让无人机飞得更长,给无人机加一个汽油系统.”

家庭支持之间, research opportunities 和 faculty collaboration, Lalko is confident moving forward with her next steps toward a Ph.D. 程序. 但, she recognizes the path looks different for everyone, 并希望鼓励有抱负的女性工程师追随并探索她们的兴趣.

“Sometimes, you have to make your own path,” she says. “寻找尝试新事物的机会,然后不要害怕利用这些机会. That has definitely helped me define my future.”



女孩会数学吗?? 问问安娜·玛丽亚·斯帕努洛博士.D., 91年和93年, 和, 带着温暖的微笑, 她会在她的大橡木桌子上随意地交叉双手,分享她在生物数学方面改变人生的工作故事.

“为了将数学应用于医学界而发展数学是令人惊奇的。. Spagnuolo说. “The ability of women to do these things 和 be brave has changed perceptions. 这就是一些数学运算的价值.”

作为十大菠菜台子数学与统计学系的教授和系主任. 斯帕努洛的学术生涯令人印象深刻,她在普渡大学获得博士学位,在德克萨斯大学从事教学和研究工作&M. 总之,她的工作是前所未有的. 作为一名博士生, 她在协助联邦机构和世界知名研究组织解决现实问题方面发挥了重要作用, 包括评估内华达州尤卡山脉的放射性元素控制. If there was a problem a career mathematician or educator could not solve, 他们会叫斯帕努洛来. 但 her brilliance in the classroom also put a target on her back, as one of the few female students majoring in math.

“There was definitely old-school thinking,” Dr. Spagnuolo回忆. “I tried to ignore it 和 it worked for me, 但 it definitely wasn’t easy. 我必须克服很多困难. 这不是一段轻松的旅程.”

她是女性赋权的化身. 斯帕努洛利用她好胜的天性和广泛的教育,通过数学模型研究危及生命的疾病. 她是世界上为数不多的致力于探索南美锥虫病(一种发现于中美洲和南美洲的寄生虫病)的研究人员之一. 与其他专家合作, Spagnuolo使用数学模拟来追踪疾病的过程,并测试各种场景,以确定根除它的最佳方法. 尽管她热爱这份工作,但她的心还是在奥克兰指导她的学生.

“我的心在学术界和密歇根,我喜欢这里的社区意识。. Spagnuolo说. “Everyone is so open to helping one another, 和 because of that the students here do very well afterward.”

我告诉我所有的学生, 尤其是女性, that they should always follow their dreams,她继续说道。. “There shouldn’t be anything stopping them from succeeding.”

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