


博士的照片. Sahi对公开商学院的学生讲话

萨阿德·萨希,m.s.D., OUWB”15, 提出了, ”的意思, 目的, and Global Perspective” — a topic he is well-versed in due to his experiences since graduating from OUWB’s first class. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)

日历图标2月. 1, 2024

铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


Medical students can make all the difference in the world — literally — by opting for nontraditional career paths that might take them to unique locations where their services are especially needed.

That’s according to an alum of 十大菠菜台子 William Beaumont School of Medicine who recently returned to speak to third-year medical students.

萨阿德·萨希,m.s.D., OUWB”15, 提出了, ”的意思, 目的, and Global Perspective” — a topic he is well-versed in due to his experiences since graduating from OUWB’s first class.

In 2023, he completed training as a surgery fellow at University of California – San Francisco, 他驻扎在新墨西哥州的纳瓦霍民族医院, 然后在乌干达建立了一个医疗中心.

进一步, he recently started a two-year clinical fellowship in acute care surgery at Brigham & 波士顿的妇女医院.

“我做的很多事情都是在OUWB开始的,”Sahi在演讲结束后说. “这是一个非常完整的时刻……知道我坐在同样的座位上, 我已经能够做我想做的一切,这是可能的.”


Sahi was born in Pakistan and said he lived in six different countries including Saudi Arabia, 荷兰, 加拿大, 在搬到美国之前,他曾在意大利和意大利工作.S. 15岁参加 卢米斯查菲堡 康涅狄格州的寄宿学校.

He called it a surreal experience to attend a school with descendants of the Rockefellers and play soccer with soccer balls made at the factory where his uncles worked in Pakistan.


理解事物将成为他生活的动力, 从大学开始, when he earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy at Northeastern University in Boston.

It was during his last year at Northeastern when he was walking across campus and handed a flyer for a screening for a documentary about Doctors Without Borders.

“我记得走出那里的时候,我想这就是我想做的,”他说. “我在那部纪录片中看到了自己.”

In 2011, Sahi began attending OUWB, where he said he had “the experience of a lifetime.”

其中有一种顿悟当时他正在创作他的作品 开始 关于如何将全球健康观点纳入医学教育的项目.

具体地说, 他了解到哥本哈根共识, a project that seeks to establish priorities for advancing global welfare using methodologies based on the theory of welfare economics, 通过成本效益分析.


“That’s when I realized that this doesn’t just matter to me…it matters to all of us,他说. “我意识到我可以做一些手术, 尤其是自从我进入医学院以来,我就对外科很感兴趣.”

博士的照片. Sahi对公开商学院的学生讲话



2015年,Sahi在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀戴尔医学院(University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School)配对. 他的专长是普外科.

他的住院医生没有任何国际背景, 但他致力于全球卫生事业的决心从未动摇. 

“事实上, my residency program thought it was a little crazy for wanting to do global health as a career,他说.

差不多在同一时间, 发表的三份重要报告影响了全世界对外科手术的看法.  

In 2015, the World Health Organization’s World Health Assembly (WHA) addressed the need for surgery through resolution WHA68.15, “Strengthening emergency and essential surgical care and anesthesia as a component of universal health coverage.“是68号th 但这是世界卫生大会第一次直接讨论手术问题.

同样在2015年,世界银行出版了第三版《发展中国家的疾病控制重点” highlighting cost-effective interventions based on analysis of health systems and more. 这本书由比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会资助,共九卷. 第一卷是"必要的手术.” It was the first time surgery had been identified as a top priority in the Disease Control Priorities.

当时发生的第三件大事是出版了柳叶刀全球外科委员会.” Sahi said the massive report was done by multiple academic institutions from 30 countries across the world to essentially determine what was going on globally in terms of surgical care. 萨希说,调查结果“令人担忧”.”

“一号, 全球有50亿人无法获得安全的医疗服务, 当他们需要时,可以负担得起手术护理或麻醉护理,他说. “第二,全世界每年进行3.13亿例手术. 其中只有6%发生在低收入国家. 这是惊人的.”



这是, until he met people from the University of California San Francisco and learned about the school’s global health initiatives.


通过临床奖学金,Sahi参与了加州大学旧金山分校 健康、公平、行动和领导力 (治愈)计划. HEAL is a multi-disciplinary global health fellowship program founded on the principles of equity, 正义, 和团结. 

他去了希普罗克的一家医院, 并在北纳瓦霍医疗中心担任外科医生.

Sahi spent the second year of his fellowship at the Mbale Regional Referral Hospital in Uganda. 他把奖学金延长了一年, 头三个月在盖洛普的盖洛普印第安医疗中心度过, 新墨西哥, 之后又在巴莱待了九个月.

Last summer, he started a two-year clinical fellowship in acute care surgery at Brigham & 女子医院.

在他去年对OUWB M3s的演讲中, 到目前为止,Sahi强调了他对自己的工作感到自豪的几点.

在乌干达, 例如, he was part of the team that installed a camera over an operating table so residents could watch and learn. 使用OUWB的Robert J. Lucas Society as an example, he started an interest group there similarly focused on surgery. And a pipeline of mentorships was created to help get more medical students in the region interested in surgery. (他说,大多数人想把重点放在传染病上.)

进一步, he helped start a local coffee shop and restaurant where 50% of the profits go toward paying resident tuition fees.

He also was proud of the fact that UCSF will graduate 20 more surgeons in the next five years through its Uganda efforts.


There is strong demand for surgeons in such places that he called “grossly understaffed.“例如,乌干达有大约4500万人口,但只有185名外科医生.

此外,对女性外科医生的需求也很高. 他以埃塞俄比亚为例,这个国家有370名外科医生, 但其中只有8人是女性.

“There’s strong data that suggests patients have better outcomes when they receive care from communities and providers that reflect their own demographic,萨希说。.


“在世界上大约86%的地区, you show up to the hospital in an emergency and we tell the family members to go buy the sutures, 手套, 抗生素, 把它带回来,他说. “如果你负担不起,你就会死.”

萨希说,他知道被这种情况影响是什么感觉, 因为这正是他祖父死的原因.



当他结束演讲时, Sahi said that he hopes the students “really take the time to consider what’s meaningful” when considering career paths.

“你喜欢什么?? 世界需要什么? 你能得到什么报酬? 你擅长什么?他问. “If you can find that sweet spot right in the middle of all of those, then you’re good.”

伯克利·布朗博士.D., 学生事务副院长, said such advice was exactly why Sahi was a good fit for M3s headed into their last year of medical education and on the cusp of finalizing what specialty they will go into. (他的演讲通过了学校的 棱镜 程序是一个多层次的支持系统, 同时还有注重个人成长的四年课程, 健康, 职业发展.)

“We wanted to end the year giving students the opportunity to think hard about their purpose as future physicians,”她说。. “What’s going to give them meaning, and with a focus toward equity on a global scale?”

She called it “powerful” for the students to hear such a message from someone who was in their shoes not too long ago.

Sahi said, if nothing else, there’s one big thing he hoped students took away from his presentation.

“我们可以在全球范围内互相照顾,这是非常了不起的, 你可以从任何地方开始……. 包括此时此地.”
